Numbers 2, 3, and 4 wouldn’t even cost the US government or Americans anything. Literally just “stop being assholes to Cubans, Venezuelans, and Mexicans living in the US” and of course the US will reject this.
If anything, by their own ideology it should benefit us. A freer market with more competition.
The US sanctioned Vietnam after it kicked Americans’ asses, and it plunged Vietnam into even further desolation until they were forced to open up and enforced more capitalistic policies. They could’ve done the same with Cuba, but just like how the west will never forgive the USSR for defeating fascism in Europe, the US will never forgive Cuba for defeating US imperialism underneath its nose.
Not even that, it saves the US money. Unironically, if the US was a smarter capitalist country, they’d lift the embargo and just try to cause Cuba to undergo another glasnost and perestroika by simply having capitalism prove itself.
But of course, this means corporations would have to be in it for the long haul, and they’re too addicted to instant gratification to even avert a climate catastrophe.
Sensible policy like this goes right over the heads of the average American.
Boomers* are the most miserable people on the planet. I’ve never seen a group so ready to kill themselves and everyone around them.
*Western boomers
I think this was said on Chapo awhile ago, but boomers are willing to stack millions of corpses on the southern border so they can live in their Floridian retirement communities that will be underwater in a decade. I don’t like to engage in generational politics but western boomers are largely ghoulish, soulless individuals who think they’re the only “real” person and everyone else exists to serve them in one way or another
What do you mean boomers lol
If democrats and republicans all got replaced by 20-40 year olds, they would still continue oppressive policies against Latin America and their voters, young and old, will support it.
Ask your average young liberal or young conservative whether or not they want to give stop punishing Cuba and give money and food to Latin Americans so they stop coming to the US. They will look at you like you’re a crazy communist - which I mean is true, but it’s not even because you’re advocating for communism. Hence OP’s comment
I accidentally read this at first as a proposal by the president of the US and was shocked he was proposing this. Then I reread it and it made more sense.
I read it initially as the Americans being angry at his proposal and were counting it on their list of reasons to support his political opponents.
I mean most Americans would be angry with this and maybe consider it a coupable offence.
this is far less than the US owes
Maybe he means $20 billion per country per year.
That’s still not enough though.
Fr. I keep telling people, if you hate immigrants so much, why do you support the policies that force/coerce so many people to flee to the Greater Satan?
Because they live in lala bootstrap land where US foreign policy has no impact on the rest of the world and if people are poor elsewhere it’s because they don’t have enough entrepreneurial grit. “There is no such thing as society” on a global scale.
I tried that argument years ago. I’m just convinced these people want the world to suffer. There isn’t any other explanation. Cruelty for the sake of it. Cutting off their noses to spite their face.
There is though. They wanna plunder other countries and shut out their refugees to keep more for themselves. I go over to your house, trash the place and take all your valuables, go back to my house and lock it tightly so you can’t get anything back. I have no interest in improving your situation, my goal is not the cruelty itself but my material benefit at the expense of whoever is a viable victim.
It’s all about redistributing resources from the many to the few, to the in-group. Both materially supporting the out-group or letting members of the out-group into the in-group would completely defeat the purpose.
“I’m gonna build a (sensible humanitarian aid package) and (America) is gonna pay for it!”
- Johnald Don Drump, bizarro world president