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Agreed but i cant help but think that in 98% of countries in the world , including america, you wouldnt be able to find enough irl ideological nazbols to fill a moderately large tennis stadium so despite it being annoying to stumble upon some edgy Nazbol take online i cant worry too much
i agree and of course i (and every org) worries and should worry about wreckers at large but since we are still light years away from Nazbols being a non minascule % of competent wreckers in irl organizing i still cant help but not give them any particular focus or thoughts
organize or die
This is especially funny to me because these people are really bad at irl organizing. They actually dont exist in organizations. If there is ever any sort of violent revolution in the US they will either have to stfu or get got, either by the chuds or by us. People who are actually “strong” don’t need to spend all day online projecting their “strength”. Nazbols despise any org doing any actual work because irl orgs are typically trying to center and elevate marginalized voices, and they see that as weakness. The funny thing is that every org I’ve been involved in, even the DSA, has had its share of absolute brawlers who are ready to go to the mattresses with anyone and would wipe the floor with the Haz and Maupin types.
Good post :rosa-salute:
That wrecker is really weird. I initially missed their freakout but every now and they randomly send me comments with their social Darwinist rants completely out of nowhere. Like bro why are you talking to me? Lol.
It blows my mind that nazi pseudoscience is still so common. It’s been disproven so many times.
“Strength” is subjective and is mostly dependant on the situation.
Being introverted is seen as a weakness by these people but introverts dealt with covid lockdowns a lot better, as an example. So really what can we really solidly say is strong or weak?
IDK whats up with the wrecker, but your point about not recognizing leftism unless its inclusive and intersectional is spot on. If you’re gonna fight for ‘leftism’ at the exclusion of others, fuck off, not interested. I make jokes about people getting the wall, but at the end of the day, leftism is love.
They exist. Maupin and his idiot friends. A bunch of assholes in Spain too.
Saying that they don’t even matter is how TERFs managed to removedocitate a big part of the feminist movement. Not a single inch should be given to these idiots.