The socialists you call “Nazbols” - Nazbolism isn’t actually a thing btw - don’t associate with Leftism. MLs don’t call ourselves leftists because leftists are just radlibs and left unity is a Trotskyoid psy-op. You are liberals who appropriate socialist aesthetics. You lot have more in common with Obama than you do with any socialist. You would reject participation in any historical socialist revolution because none of them would make enough overtures to liberal idpol to appease you. Mao, like every other socialist revolutionary, thought patriotism was intrinsic to ML. This is one reason why MLs don’t support westoid left-trenderism. Every socialist society except maybe GDR has been socially conservative and look how GDR ended up. The LGBT movement is Malthusian and anti-communist in practice. There’s a reason U.S. embassies all over the world fly the Pride flag. The LGBT movement is an anti-communist, Malthusian psyop. This kind of garbage is Cointelpro in action. The only proletarian relationship is a heterosexual one that produces children. Go read The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State if you want to cleanse your mind of liberal removed. Stalin had queers and hookers shot without trial btw. MAGA rightists are gonna succeed in their revolution before you lot do because they’re better organized, more numerous, and are more willing to fight and die for what they believe in. Idpol shitlibs don’t care about class war and admit so themselves when they say they wouldn’t join a revolution that doesn’t worship trnnies, they hate the masses and they hate the working class because the vast majority of us simply don’t want to suck trnny dick which is an unforgiveable offense to removed porn-brained libtards. You lot would call Stalin and Mao nazbols if you lived during their era. Congrats, you’ve read this in the ten seconds before the malding mods delete it for talking about inconvenient (for deranged liberals) historical truths.
My dude thinks MAGA is going to do a revolution :farquaad-point: MAGA couldn’t even do anything with the capitol building on Jan 6th even though they were practically handed it on a silver plate. :pathetic: Also what are they going to revolt against? The status quo is already far-right.
Imagine having LGBT-phobia that would make Hitler blush and still thinking you’re a communist. This shit is some hilarious brain worms.
You think the ussr was dismantled and sold off piecemeal to private corps but what actually happened was 2 men kissed somewhere in Moscow and it just like, undid the communism
Every socialist society except maybe GDR has been socially conservative and look how GDR ended up.
…Like the rest of the Soviet Union? Clearly its attitudes on the LGBT community had nothing to do with its fate. (Though GDR wasn’t the only one. Multiple socialist republics in Yugoslavia decriminalized homosexuality in 1977 and there were gay pride festivals, and popular songs/bands and programming featuring homosexuality in the early 80s.) Well, considering the GDR is, unfortunately, gone, let’s look at AES countries, shall we?
Vietnam and Laos have never had a single anti-LGBT law in their entire history. Same with DPRK.
Cuba has the world’s most progressive family code . Before he passed, Castro himself stated that it was due to his own prejudices from before the revolution that homosexuals were persecuted during the 60s, and that he took full responsibility for ‘the great injustice.’ Homosexuality was legalized in Cuba in 1979, and surgeries/hormones for trans people are completely provided by the state.
China opened its first transgender youth clinic in Shanghai last year, specifically to address the needs of a population the government had determined was vulnerable and at high risk of suicide. Meanwhile the US is trying to claim that giving treatments to trans children is equivalent to child abuse.
It’s almost as if social conservatism isn’t required for socialist countries! :thinkin-lenin:
LGBTQIA movement is Malthusian lmaoooo.
I, I don’t know how to respond to that…
“Malthusian” is a reference to QAnon garbage.They believe LGBT is part of a Jewish plot to reduce the world population.
That’s really funny considering one of the hypotheses on why homosexuality hasn’t been naturally selected out over time: There is credible evidence that gay people help population growth. If we’re supposed to be reducing the population we’re doing a really shitty job at it.
they wouldn’t know the word because they’re the only people in the world that are even dumber than patsocs, but the idea that LGBT lifestyles are destroying birth rates and that this is a plot by the totally not jewish elites should be familiar to most q chuds. this is just another case of pazis taking a fascist narrative and plastering ML jargon all over it. it’s how these pisslords come up with all of their “theory”.
zero materialism, pure appeal to strongman aesthetics from start to finish. in other words, average HazBol shit.
Mao, like every other socialist revolutionary, thought patriotism was intrinsic to ML.
Hmmm, wonder which ‘radlib’ said this about nationalist patriotism?
The class-conscious workers fight hard against every kind of nationalism, both the crude, violent, Black-Hundred nationalism, and that most refined nationalism which preaches the equality of nations together with … the splitting up of the workers’ cause, the workers’ organisations and the working-class movement according to nationality. Unlike all the varieties of the nationalist bourgeoisie, the class conscious workers, carrying out the decisions of the recent (summer 1913) conference of the Marxists, stand, not only for the most complete, consistent and fully applied equality of nations and languages, but also for the amalgamation of the workers of the different nationalities in united proletarian organisations of every kind.
Oh, wait, that’s a quote from Lenin .
Okay, last I’m gonna say on this, but Mao specifically states that
The specific content of patriotism is determined by historical conditions. There is the “patriotism” of the Japanese aggressors and of Hitler, and there is our patriotism. Communists must resolutely oppose the “patriotism” of the Japanese aggressors and of Hitler. […]For only by fighting in defense of the motherland can we defeat the aggressors and achieve national liberation. And only by achieving national liberation will it be possible for the proletariat and other working people to achieve their own emancipation. The victory of China and the defeat of the invading imperialists will help the people of other countries. Thus in wars of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism.
Under this context, ‘patriotism’ in a socialist context refers to achieving national liberation during times of war, NOT Patsocs’ idea of socially conservative nationalism (i.e. ‘patriotism’ of imperialism and fascism) .
This is complimented by the Stalin Era’s patriotism. It is the patriotism of the people under siege of external forces of Imperialists and fascists. The cases of each socialist state or movement promoting socialist patriotism is the case of the defense of the people’s dictatorship / people’s war for national liberation from foreign Capital’s bourgeoise dictatorships.
Key word there is “Defense of the people’s dictatorship”, “people’s war for national liberation” and “Against foreign Capital’s bourgeoise dictatorships”.
There has not historically been a successful case of a socialist movement utilizing any kind of patriotism in the overthrow of an imperialist state.
It would be fine if there were socialist groups that wanted to experiment with seeing whether or not utilizing such tactics can work as a means of applying their group’s theories of ‘socialist patriotism’ to the rigors of real life organizing in an imperialist state, as that’s the purpose of the socialist movement to encourage the development of the most advanced socialist theory proven through material practice within their own countries. One can see this in the steady growth of the Communist Party of Britain, and the steady decline of the Communist Party of Great Britain - Marxist Leninist. One has a better grasp of the material conditions of their country, whereas the other is trapped in their perception of the material conditions of their country.