:kombucha-disgust: Last time I checked most pedos end up being hyper-religious conservatives or libertarians. Am I wrong?
Seems like chuds are projecting yet again. Imagine being the side of underage anime avatars and having the balls to accuse the left of “grooming”
Its a rhetorical trick.
Say something completely bullshit and insane but frame it as “protecting the children” and all moderates will fall in line behind it as its morally uncomfortable to reject arguments based around “protecting the children.” A leftist might/should be able to see through the bull shit and speak out against it for what it is but to anybody else it will be viewed as allowing kids to be put in harms way.
To conservatives, grooming is when you tell children that gay/trans people exist
It’s like the satanic panic but for gay teachers and i think it’s a bad trend
Btw expect it to pick up the pace now that schools are opening and kids start getting the “gay std” monkeypox. Some of the craziest psychos like MTG have already started claiming kids are getting it from being raped by gay men and it’s only gonna become a wider talking point as things get worse.
I think there’s a big dumb reason that explains a lot and it’s when boomers learn a new word. They overuse and overapply it until they completely ruin the word. It can no longer be used for its original intention.
They did this with the word “triggered”.