shamefully stolen from r*ddit
“you know son that sounds a lot like me and watching cable TV all day. Perhaps we are both victims of capitalist alienation and we should organize to overthrow the government and reconstruct society so all humans are treated with dignity and respect.”
my regular vibe described as depression
chuckles_i’m_in_danger.jpg :what-the-hell:
Literally me right now. Not a good feeling.
I realized this today. This is it man, it’s not getting any better. The best I can hope for is some day the nerds at the pharmaceutical corporations will make a pill that makes you think you’ve been fishing all day. But until then, it’s just shit piled on shit, served with a heaping side of shit.
Thankfully my scrolling is now just this site and tiktok. Unfortunately this site shows me reality and reality is quite depressing.