0% chance this is real, but there is a Trending on Tiktok table and thats been the cause of much of my consternation this year
I don’t even think they sell that edition of that Agatha Christie book anymore. I feel like an Indigo employee put it together before opening to take a pic to troll /lit/ and then took it down.
Oh wait actually I’m looking at it closely and it’s just a quick photoshop lmao whoops
It’s poorly written slop that nobody is going to pick up unless they’re already a chud, and if they’re not then they’re going to be driven away from the book because it sucks. It’s like Ben Shapiro’s book. Unbearable unless you’re a dingdong that’s actively trying to consume it.
Printing and selling the unabomber manifesto is a funny idea, at least until you think about the whole spreading an anticommunist and ecofascist call to terrorism part of it.
I thought The Turner Diaries was cool zone shit about :nat-turner: instead it’s white replacement loser stuff.
(Also what happened to our pol-face emoji?)
Removed, many people found it objectionable to have a mass shooter’s face as an emoji
A confederacy of nonces