There are parts of the capitalism ideology that seem magical, mythological, mystical, paranormal, or superstitious.
Example: couponing or “extreme couponing”. People think that coupons possess some kind of magical power where if you use them in the right way you get free stuff or even money back.
Example: couponing or “extreme couponing”. People think that coupons possess some kind of magical power where if you use them in the right way you get free stuff or even money back.
You definitely can find loopholes but the amount of labor you put in simply isn’t worth it. When I worked as a cashier a guy came in with a stack of coupons, bought a couple of Snickers bars and got .40 cents back. The transaction took 15 minutes.
There’s something really cool about that. It’s like an absurdist performance piece.
really feels like all of chapo emote history has been leading up to this moment
“Upwards mobility” (as a promise of prosperity) is so obviously fake if you think about a company’s structure for 5 fucking seconds. If you have 1 manager for 10 people, those 10 literally cannot all move up the company, no matter how hard they work. No amount of growth will allow that. (And I’m being generous with the numbers, often it’s more than that.)
Makes me want to scream. Literal logic fallacy that the person working as a cashier or whatever could apply themselves to better themselves and land a higher paying job so it’s THEIR fault they make an unlivable wage because some mythical OTHER OPTION exists because some other mythical person did it ergo it’s possible for everyone. 1. It’s obviously impossible for all but a minority of people due to many reasons. 2. If it was possible, then everyone would do it and we wouldn’t have any cashiers (etc) and like you said there isn’t enough supply of “manager” jobs. 3. The implication that there is something wrong with being a cashier/barista, etc. Hypocritical - Libs used to be about a days honest work and all that
So on top of it the argument is super demeaning to anyone that has a lower-income type job - like they are less than. It’s gross. Plus those are usually the jobs that make an actual tangible contribution.
Infinite growth from finite resources
Infinite faith in the free market to always be able to invent a new or better solution to a problem. An anti-seatbelt libertarian I know once explained that part of why he hates seatbelt laws is that somehow seatbelts being required in cars is “stifling innovation”, preventing a better alternative from being invented.
Yes a much better alternative would be an eject button that launches me out the top and beheads me 50% of the time
The idea that unemployed people can simply conjure gainful employment out of thin air by the magic of sheer willpower alone and in turn that remaining unemployed is a sign of “lazyness” or other individual moral failings.