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A country at almost negative carbon emissions getting the brunt of a climate catastrophe and costing their economy billions.
:cool-zone: keeps getting closer and bigger
The Indus river used to be much bigger 6000 years ago, then a period of global cooling caused a lage part of it to dry up. With global warming, there’s a chance it could go back to that.
From the 2010 Pakistan Floods
So, will global warming have the reverse effect, returning the Indus to the monster river of 6,000 years ago?
“That is the million-dollar question”, said Professor John Clague, from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, an expert on the Asian monsoon.
“There is huge uncertainty… and this is a matter of heated debate amongst scientists at present.”
It’s not looking good
As we have seen with the Salton Sea, there is absolutely no way this could get bad
European rivers drying up
Pakistani rivers flooding so bad they’re creating lakes
how long until people start claiming that Pakistan is stealing europe’s water?
Sichuan province in China is also drying up lately. 80% of their power is hydro too so it’s been rough. We have plenty of water just in the wrong places.
The northeast, which has been so dry China built an entire pumping and canal system to deliver water from the south is now flooding, while the south, which usually has an abundance of water and floods regularly is so dry there are forest fires. But climate change isn’t real?
EDIT: check out the project tho imagine anyone else being able to pull off infrastructure at this scale–North_Water_Transfer_Project
And now Sichuan have a lot of rain, the province is preparing for potential flooding
Wow really? Is that just this week? Usually heavy rain after a drought causes flooding since the ground becomes packed and can’t absorb water.
ugh :what-the-hell: :gun-hubris: