Bonus: USSR Biden podium
Broke: “Imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.”
Woke: “Imagine two far right, racist liberal parties each breathlessly accusing the other of being communist forever.”
Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
Biden hasn’t changed but republicans suddenly went from laughing at him for being inept and senile to publicly breaking down and crying after his every statement
Republicans: We’re going to take over election machinery so we can’t lose
Joe Brandon: The MAGA right is trying to subvert democracy
Republicans: :walter-shock:
the dems aren’t even doing anything about it, but mentioning the problem is a step too far
Conservatives learned a long time ago that when liberals castigate them for something, many times liberals will try to appear ‘reasonable’ and back down if the conservatives get frothing mad about it, even if the thing conservatives were being accused of is both true and insanely heinous. And the libs eventually leave it and move on to the next terrible thing, doing nothing but pointing out the acts the entire time.
Conservatives have always and will always win out in the US, even when they are the minority party in both chambers (barring rather serious change, of course :owned: )
This is the speech. The red lighting is absolutely the stupidest thing for them to get mad about.
But it reminds me of Al Pacino at the end of the Devil’s Advocate so obviously Biden has a GREAT ASS.