:amerikkka-clap: :freedom-and-democracy: :trump-anguish:
Suburban property disputes are like farcical imperial war. Millions of little WW1s going on all over America.
I feel like if the neighbors were quicker to sue they could had stopped the new fence. I believe there is precedent that if you if you buy a property with defined lines, just because you get a survey doesn’t mean you can just change the property line. As there was already an expectation of what you purchased.
My sister’s entire neighborhoods property lines are all 3 ft off but the fences and yards are all over a hundred years old. What domino effect would a readjustment set off?
Property lines and estates/wills make people petty motherfuckers.
Lmao Wasilla’s fucking awesome. I never hear normal stories out of there and I hope I never do.
chud :lmayo: complaining that the land used to belong to her
i guess the irony is the 2nd thing here that’s thicc