at the end of the roman empire, death cults appeared on the fringes of society. these death cults frequently preached heretical libel against political figures and gods
I mean that somewhat describes Christianity with all they talk about human sarifice (self sacrifice but while you’re alive as in living your life in the service of others which obviously almost none of them actually do) and figurative dying and being reborn
There’s a reason the Romans weren’t super keen on having a bunch of Christians running around
yeah but you can’t solve martyrdom religious growth with murder and Rome never had a second idea after they thought of solving problems with murder
I think it’s bad history. The Western Roman Empire was Catholic for about 500 years before it fell (the ERE Orthodox), and the “fall” was a slow dissolution of the central Imperial authority and its replacement by the existing systems of patronage evolving into fuedal contracts, not some cataclysmic event.
Cults, including what could be called “death” cults, were a constant throughout Roman society, not a sudden appearance that hailed the end times. They might have been more common in and around certain cataclysmic events, like plagues and invasions, as a societal coping mechanism, but that’s just speculation.
The saddest part is the poster thinking the state is on his side and not an active participant in pushing that shit.
I hope the FBI tightens its grip on you.
My brother in Christ, they ARE the FBI.
I’ve always been open tot he idea that Q-anon, Alex Jones, etc… Are controlled opposition to make anyone who criticizes the status quo look like a nazi
I think the idea is more to make “conspiracy theorist” associated with “batshit insane.” They want folks who “theorize” about stuff the CIA has come out and admitted associated with Turning The Frogs Gay Guy.
I expressed some pretty measured skepticism about the Warren Commission version of the JFK assassination to someone and they (semi-seriously?) asked me if I believed we landed on the moon.
“Please be made up for internet points”
checks news article
:doomjak: “Fuck”
Anyone else get the feeling we might end up seeing multiple Waco situations every fucking year now? Like jesus christ the only way MSM news and specifically right-wing news may back down from this shit is if one of these crazy bastards broke into one of their news stations claiming their trying to find the real Donald Trump
At this point, my :trueanon: :brainworms: have me thinking that the FBI is so deep into any right wing group large enough have a compound and a sizable fighting force that they’re already pretty much neutralized.
Honestly that’d be the “good” ending though I’m always aware that the FBI could also royally fuckup these honeypot attempts and then groups go rogue.
I mean the complete ineptitude of the US security apparatus is why I had to sit through cringe during every commercial break when I was watching the baseball game yesterday. Oh, and also why there is the huge, horrible “special military operation” going on in Ukraine rn.
:joker-amerikkklap: and :amerikkka: and :amerikkka-clap: fuck this fucking place
Waco requires too much actual social interaction. There will be a ton of atomized, stochastic violence like this, but not many organized groups unless the Feds get serious about going after the III percenters and the like. I’m pretty sure the organized groups are mostly about grifting and funneling the crazy money/energy into mainstream Republican politics.
Getting the atf called to my home because of the qanon neighbor and they shoot my dogs 35928404 times each whereon 90% of the bullets shot at my dogs go directly into my wife’s skull