I thought it was the impeachment because I thought they were going to make him testify. And I think he will resign (under protest to start his own news conglomerate) before testifying under oath.
Honestly I thought there was no way the GOP would let him have the nomination after he criticized the Iraq War
After Bernie won Nevada 😔
Mueller report lmaooo
i remember specifically after they had some dude testify that Trump was caught lying on record or whatever. So i was like, Surely now they will impeach them. No joke i was like literally heart pounding waiting for nancy pelosi to start the press conference. Then she just brings out some bulletin board saying they got him, but also they’re not gonna do anything. And i was really upset at her but /politics libs kept saying it was 12d chess or whatever lol. Actually p sure i first chapo referenced on a politics thread about the dems being weak.
Anyway, when they actually impeached trump i had already opened my eyes to the way of the Lib so i wasn’t even surprised when they impeached him on the weakest shit imaginable.