This shit fuckin sucks. The last time we had covid in the house I was totally asymptomatic, this time I feel like a god damned dog’s ass.
So far I’ve got nin jiom, weed cookies, tea, and tylenol. Any other suggestions?
my move for covid was the same as it is for flu/colds in general. lay on a couch/in bed, take symptom suppressing medication, vitamins, drink lots of fluids, eat slowly when hungry, take steamy showers 1-2x a day, and be unconscious for as much as possible.
fighting off infection takes a lot of energy. maintaining a slight fever comes with a significant metabolic cost, so don’t be trying to do shit unless it’s absolutely critical. the reason you feel like trash is evolutionary: your body is busy, please try your call again later.
just stay in larval mode until you don’t have a temp anymore. if you get bored or want a brain escape, watch dumb movies/tv you have seen before which require minimal think thoughts.
If it’s at all possible, go for walks outside. When I had covid walking my dog twice daily felt like the biggest thing that helped me start to feel better. The mild exercise felt like it helped dislodge the mucus and the sun just felt good for the soul.
It should be noted that going for a walk is probably the most exercise you should do for a while. Definitely go for a walk, but if you feel as though you’re straining yourself, just go rest up. Avoid high intensity workouts entirely.
I had to get an inhaler after my bout. Albuterol is what my doc gave me. 8 months after and I still have to use it from time to time.
Get some antivirals:
Weed cookies won’t help from an antiviral perspective (getting stoned might still make you feel better though) because it’s CBD that you need, i’ve read that it upregulates intracellular immune processes that help prevent replication + helps block cell entry to begin with. THC does fuck all though apparently