I got given a second hand bike the other day, thought it just needed some air in the tyres but turns out the back inner tube was fucked, by the end of the day I’d basically completely disassembled the thing and put it back together (including fucking Kmart selling me a tube that had a fucking hole in it). My hands were covered in grease, and the bike was back in excellent order, rode so much better.
I basically only changed a tyre, but I was out in the yard in the afternoon sun, some music playing, and at the end of the day I had something to show for what I did. Can’t recommend it enough.
You’ve described my exact problem with hoarding collecting and repairing/upgrading/modding cheap guitars. I swear, I will finish fixing you up someday, pawn shop Starcaster. Right after I finish the setup on the 7-string Jackson, and a fret level/crown/dress job on my kid’s Ibanez…
I had a very similar experience the other day, it did wonders for my mood.
Oh yeah. I’ve been building a little microshelter out of scrap parts since lockdown. A follow up project for my two story cubby house for the kids.
I hadn’t done wood work since high school.
There’s just something super nice about making a physical thing with your hands, or bringing something broken back to life.
I started a construction job this year, and just having the tools and scrap material to build has done wonders for me. I have a lot of nervous energy and being able to expend it on small, low stakes projects is awesome. Plus I GET TO SEE THE FRUITS OF MY LABOR!!!
It really has helped my adhd starting a trade before that I wanted to die coming into work.
This is what I don’t understand about young people shunning building trades as a career choice. It’s immensely satisfying work compared to some bullshit desk job and every plumber and electrician I know makes great money and is either in a union that provides great health care or they’re on their own on track to retire in their 50s.
Yep, that dopamine hit you get after fixing something is really nice.
not getting cheated out of repair costs is really satisfying. I made an $800 water line repair for $20 parts and three days of digging. GODLY feeling.