:ukkk: bux are next
And then :amerikkka: bux after that :mao-shining: (just not at the moment, maybe after the :covid-cool: thing)
So…this is bad, right? For the people living in Europe, I mean.
My extended family switched all their savings to dollars when the euro switched over. They grew up and lived through both eastern fronts (yay generational trauma) and thought the euro would crash and they would have to escape to america.
We didn’t actually know this until they died about 10 years ago and we found tens of thousands of dollars under their mattress, having lost like 40% of its value. We ended up slowly moving it back to exchange and wiring it back to relatives to minimize fees, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot this year.
having lost like 40% of its value
when did the dollar lose 40%, am I misunderstanding
I know people who currently live in Portugal, I should send them money and have them buy me stuff.