Read House of the Spirits for an account of the real 9/11.
You’re talking about something very broad. It spans from Pans Labyrinth and Hundred Years of Solitude to a good chunk of Urban Fantasy via things like Over the Garden Wall and Ian Bank’s non-SF novels.
Heck, you could say Disco Elysium is Magical Realism. You could say The Secret Garden is Magical Realism. What are you complaining about specifically?
Gabriel Garcia Márquez was a comrade. I’ve read and loved many of his books.
I thought magical realism was when you’re a not-white author wanting to talk about how banally intrusive Capitalism is in everyday life, but you don’t want your book to be review bombed by :lmayo: for being “tOo pOliTiCaL” so you turn it into a metaphor that your characters just have to deal with, because that’s how it is in real life?
I dunno my woke SJW Postmodern Neo-Marxists College Professors forced me to read Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” and now the force-ghost of Jordan Peterson is haunting me.
when a mexican writer sees a fairy, that’s magical realism