What is a treat? Treat discourse is at the forefront of stalinist-maoist-hexbearist thought, or smh thought for short. Treats are unnecessary things produced by capitalism, for example, any food other than a tasteless nutrient paste that meets the dietary requirements for minimum sustenance, if you want something with flavor you are a bad person, I repeat, YOU ARE A BAD PERSON FOR WANTING NICE THINGS. Clothes are a treat, society should be completely nudist, not even a bit I actually believe this. Everyone should live hexagonal pods like little worker bees except the working class is bourgeoisie and instead we should all aspire to be NEET breadtubers who contribute nothing to society. Of course breadtubers being the intellectual heart of communism, deserve all the treats because they deserve it. Give Hasan another mansion, give contrapoints more heroin, give vaush the Epstein island. Treat consumption should be limited for everyone but me because I am the ceo of communism, put all the treats in my palace and I promise I will do communism with them. Any questions?
Lmao what 0 theory does to a motherfucker.
Pretending to be a chud that doesn’t understand communism or this site is a good bit tho.
If not a bit then holy shit this is embarrassing.
Now I’m not sure if you thinking this is sincere is a bit :foucault-madness:
hey, new copypasta just dropped :spaghetti-code:
imagine a hog with shit on its testicles
Bill Nihilist the Treat Denialist
And no one will care when you get banned. We ban new accounts that are obvious fail trolls all the time. Lmao :che-smile: