This reads like satire, do people really think calling people ‘they’ is some new woke thing?
Have you played Return of Monkey Island? Is it any good? I was wondering if it was going to turn out good. I remember loving the Monkey Island games as a kid but admittedly some of the jokes aged poorly
I’d get corrected in elementary and middle school for using “they” when there wasn’t a way to tell the person’s gender (e.g. a hypothetical person where gender is irrelevant, some kind of unseen actor, stuff like that). Even before I learned about gender identity and all that it never made sense to me - how is it wrong to not guess about someone’s identity??
Imagine if the freakout was at a different grammatical category. Ugh, mom, they put verbs in the game again…
there’s a really awesome part in this game where guybrush can overthrow a monarch and start a workers cooperative :)
If Monkey Island was a new IP they’d all be mad at a woman being a governor, too.
i remember it used to be a talking point for those guys that SJWs like Anita Sarkeesian would hate Monkey Island if Guybrush was a girl, because she wouldn’t be a Strong Female Character. I don’t think they ever found any evidence for this idea, but they told it to each other a lot.