The show follows the general in charge of space force Steve Carell, as he balances his family life and establishing and maintaining US supremacy in space. Members of the United States military are only portrayed as diverse and good. The worst quality the show ascribes to the military is that they spend too much money. Only two things are portrayed as negative in the show, one is the chief of staff for Trump( who isn’t shown), and of course China.
The Chinese attack America unprovoked on 2 seperate occasions in the show, one time using an advanced giant satellite (which doesn’t exist), and another time using their secret mining moon base( which doesn’t exist).
The space force is explicitly explained as being created as whim by Trump, when in reality it was voted into creation 377-48 by the Democratic party controlled house. Also it has a budget double that of the Chinese in reality, not the other way around.
Seriously folks it stinks.
Also nearly forgot the AOC stand in who is just an loud dumb angry young woman who is eventually rendered speechless by an incredible “America is good actually” speech by Carrel. Awful.
The worst quality the show ascribes to the military is that they spend too much money.
I agree the show is crap. But the worst qualities the show ascribes to the military pig-headed incompetence, anti-intellectualism, jingoism, nepotism, and a massive inferiority complex that our global rivals regularly seem to justify. The whole thing gets spun as a joke, of course. And nobody ever actually suffers, materially, for the mismanagement of it all. But it goes a lot deeper than wasteful spending.
Also nearly forgot the AOC stand in who is just an loud dumb angry young woman who is eventually rendered speechless by an incredible “America is good actually” speech by Carrel.
That whole bit reeked of Both-Sides-ism and was the reason I gave up on the show.
Still somehow better than “Away”.
And more than anything else…it’s painfully not funny.
I feel like 40+ year old men have a certain kind of tired humor that feels more sad and tired than funny, and this show is epitome of that
It’s also really boring and steve correl was not funny.
Was The Office state department propaganda?
I’ve only seen snippets of a couple episodes here and there, but it was fucking awful