I believe this user pulled the data from this site:
I don’t like this new normal :yea:
Look at how little time there is between each spike. Hospital staff will never get a break from this ever again
Sometimes i think i’m the last one to still wear a mask. People are in full-on denial mode, and it’s completely endorsed by the government as well. Started around the same time as Biden’s “post-pandemic” bs.
Yeah, that’s close to my experience as well. TBH, I feel so alienated right now, I’ve lost friendships over my refusal to return to a pre-COVID life, and my brother tried to pathologize my caution when I turned down an indoor concert that would probably have several hundred unmasked people in attendance, if not more (no mask mandates or anything, unsurprisingly, at the venue). In theory, I’m not necessarily even against doing indoor shit at non-busy public places for a little while (as long as I keep my N95 mask on the whole time), but idk, indoor concerts and being shoulder-to-shoulder with 1000s of peeps still seem like one of the riskiest activities, even with a good respirator.
I think the endorsement of “let it rip” is exactly why so many people are in full-on denial mode, initially it was just all the antivaxx chuds, but now that :biden-alert: and other liberal public figures have given the OK to go back to normal, liberals are completely on board too with “letting it rip”, and have been for a while, with just complete disregard for how their actions can affect people less privileged or more at risk than they are.
I don’t know how long we can keep up the pretense of “back to normal”. Like I’m very skeptical western governments would bring back those protective measures unless maybe some of the rich ghouls start dying in droves or something, but as more and more people succumb to COVID-caused sickness, disability, and death, or know someone important in their life who suffered from those things, I feel like this denial will only last for so long and that something will have to give at some point, idk. Or we’ll lock down because of an ebola pandemic or some shit, since the scientists say that climate change will only increase the likelihood of pandemics, as the barrier between wildlife and humans gets reduced more and more from these animals being displaced and forced to relocate closer to people. :yea:
I just don’t see a way that COVID wraps up anytime soon so long as we continue this eugenic “let it rip” policy, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, but as I understand it, there’s no evolutionary pressure for COVID to get weaker because the time from contracting COVID and dying from it is so long. So we are literally flying blind with no way of knowing how COVID will evolve (something tells me that giving this virus unlimited vectors in which to spread and evolve though probably isn’t the greatest idea).
my brother tried to pathologize my caution
Man, I hate this shit. I was at a family gathering recently where I was the only one masked up (bunch of different households from multiple states) and my sister and dad both were like, “Why are you wearing a mask? Are you still scared of COVID?” as if being cautious about a highly infectious disease that has run roughshod over the world for two and a half years is the same as being afraid to go on a rollercoaster or something. They didn’t press me on it, thankfully; I just said “I feel more comfortable this way” and stared at them while refusing to elaborate, and they got the message. Really makes you feel crazy, though, especially when people have completely jettisoned the idea that wearing masks doesn’t just protect you but the people around you.
I’m at least able to live a mostly normal life (similar to you I avoid packed indoor settings and indoor restaurants, but those weren’t common venues for me anyway), but it upsets me that all the people with elevated risk factors who take COVID seriously are held hostage by the callous majority who can’t be arsed to just wear a fucking mask as if it’s some horrendous burden. I have some at-risk family who I’m starting to think will never be able to return to normal lives at this rate.
Listening to the voices of immunocompromised/high-risk people is the thing more than anything reaffirmed my decision to keep masking everywhere. It’s depressing how fucked they are right now and how our governments have deemed high-risk people as expendable. Like it genuinely makes me sad, and I don’t want to live in a society where we are deliberately and callously cutting anybody off from society. I know immunocompromised people have been getting fucked by society for years, but letting a pandemic spread unmitigated is literally government-sanctioned murder.
at this point I feel like you gotta be pretty far left or just someone with a brain if youre still wearing masks when near others :|
i do notice a lot of POC and LGBT people wearing them, probably cause we dont trust the government
We need to start infiltrating conservative spaces online and telling them that the removal of mask mandates is a ploy by Big Brother to know everything about you and literally :1984:, until they start masking up more than the libs
I genuinely don’t know how that isn’t the conclusion they went to. Why do you trust Joe Brandon telling you it’s safe???
I know the answer is because that’s the option that allows them to not change their behavior or inconvenience themselves because they’re little bitch babies.
My partner and her entire family got it in a span of the last few days. One of them is elderly and two are immunocompromised. She is away as her granddad died from a respiratory illness (wonder what that could have been :thonk:) and they’re sorting that out.
My condolences to your partner, with the passing of her granddad.
I’m amazed at how many people who shed all precaution and invariably get sick insist that their sickness is anything but COVID, as if it literally isn’t one of the most infectious viruses of our lifetime.
Her granddad wasn’t pretending that he didn’t have it or anything, he was very cautious as he was 97 years old. Got hospitalized and died within a day and a half. The official diagnosis was pneumonia, but the underlying cause was likely have been covid.
Oh no, I didn’t mean to imply your partner’s grandfather specifically was downplaying it, I just mean more broadly that there are a shit ton of sick people in recent months who refuse to acknowledge the possibility that they have COVID. Like it’s always just a “cold” or the sniffles or whatever.
Yeah, I live in a city and mask usage is pretty infrequent now.
I took the bus recently (no mandates anymore for public transit, ugh), and the busdriver had his mask over his mouth but not his nose. Like, whyyyyyy
TBH, if we ever get to actual post-COVID/post-pandemic, I think I would consider continuing to wear masks on public transit and other high-density environments anyways.
Masks should be mandated everywhere, but at a minimum, they should be mandated in public transit, grocery stores, doctors offices, hospitals, etc.–i.e., places where high-risk people have no choice but to go to, or might not have any alternatives.
whew glad I got my first covid infection out of the way last week!
*because you definitely can’t get it more than once in a month right? right???*
First day just progressively felt more tired, took a 5 hour nap, woke up, head hurt very badly like someone was squeezing it all over, couldn’t eat because I kept throwing up, couldn’t drink because I kept throwing up, was in agony all night until 7am when my head stopped hurting and I could eat. Then my head kept hurting but not as bad. Head stopped hurting after 2 days. Felt mostly better but extremely fatigued by doing literally anything. Sore all over. I think that went away after a few days but idk I’m unemployed and don’t do much. After that my brain feels shitty like I’ve had problems with anxiety and just sitting around feeling anxious and like i’m forgetting stuff and it’s been like that but worse. It’s been 9 days now
I was taking CBD gummies for the first 4 days to hopefully serve as a prophylactic against long covid but my gf was only willing to pay for 20 gummies so that ran out