This is good and cool, but I can’t help being a little upset that only small fry like Alex Jones can get appropriate, proportional fines for their crimes. When’s the last time you saw a corporation outside China get a fine proportioned this high against their profit?
Bernie Madoff was put in jail for life but he was a scapegoat for fucking over rich people. Aside from that, never. Thousands, if not, millions of people have died or gotten injured or sick from defective products and no one cares.
Or people dying from price gouging on functional products. Like Bernie Madoff, you only get locked up as a rich guy for fucking over other rich guys. Martin Shkreli never went to prison for jacking a cancer treatment prescription price by 5000%, he only went to prison for securities fraud. And it’s only for a couple years
I don’t know how much he’s got but it ain’t 965 million lmao :miyazaki-laugh:
I’d be all too willing to see the 965 mil dropped in favor of putting this man on a concord to each school shooting and making him be there front and center to witness the horrific tragedies when they happen; have him literally pick up the dead and dying kids and putting them in ambulances. This man is detached from reality cause he doesn’t have to see it, doesn’t have to listen to the heartbreaking testimony from grieving families. He should be made to be present every time this event occurs and to literally be palms deep in the horror.
Can he make a cool billion off his dick supplements and colloidal silver pills to cover his own ass in court? Let’s find out!
buying colloidal silver from alex jones not to own the globalists but to look like smurfette
how much money does he fuckin have lmao
I just googled it and a news site said he’s only worth $130 million, :scared-fash:
His company is bankrupt too which I didn’t know. How in the fuck did this guy ever get an audience? The few times I listened to him back in my reactionary chud days I had to turn it off because it was so :jesse-wtf: