Selling Nationalist fantasy as entertainment, smh.
parenti quote
But it isn’t nationalist to have the fucking national anthem and military flyovers and honoring the troops at sports games?
Or that every fucking military movie is propaganda for an imperial war machine that does nothing but leave death, destruction, and misery in its wake. Same with every fucking video game that is a shooter now too.
Yes but have you considered our nation good their nation bad?
What even is the narrative on why China Bad? People claim to give a shit about Taiwan, which is ridiculous for a wide variety or reasons not least of which is 1.) Taiwan isn’t a separate country and claims to be the legitimate ruler of all of China (and Mongolia, and parts of several other countries) and 2.) none of them could find Taiwan on a map. But that’s not really enough.
There seems to be just this widespread acceptance that China Bad and somehow China is our enemy and a threat to us… and it all seems to come down to “Well they’re building infrastructure in other countries, which is bad” and “They’re threatening Taiwan, which isn’t a separate country but we pretend it is, and that’s bad” and…
That’s kind of where i lose it.
Damn, wonder where I’ve heard about that before
Smh luckily Hollywood would never do such a thing
Why is everything the US says about china a giant projection factory?