“Maybe, just maybe… we should stop helping them hekkin saudi’s blow people up? Now maybe thats too far, but I’m just saying…”
Liberals only care about intentions (which can be manufactured at any time). So if a liberal thinks about doing something taht’s good enough for most liberals.
That reminds me of a typically crap 2020 NYT op-ed that I just couldn’t resist reading. It turned out to be a perfect encapsulation of how bad lib punditry is. When I got to the end of it - I wanted a line or two to share with other Chapos. It took me a couple minutes to find just the right bit. It snuck by me at first and it snuck by me again as I scanned the article a few times. But finally I had the right sentence and one word stood out as if written in fresh blood: attempt.
Opinion | A Biden Presidency Could Be Better Than Progressives Think - The New York Times
Campaign promises matter, and his platform shows a distinct leftward drift.
By Michelle Goldberg
April 20, 2020
And contrary to conventional wisdom, most politicians attempt to keep their campaign promises.