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If you think the name is a self-parody, wait til you see the inside of one
Solid rootbeer mug policy though
We all live in a cracker barrel babyyyy :lt-dbyf-dubois:
It’s like a lobster trap designed to catch :lmayo:
i used to get dragged there when I was really young by all the white southerners in my extended family and I always found the food mediocre and the aesthetic bizarre. There were these little peg board games at each table that I wasn’t sure what the point of them was. One of them had the word “ignoramous” spelled wrong. Deliberately, I think. When I learned years later they had a racism controversy for seating white customers first I was not the least bit surprised.
It’s called the Cracker Barrel. Who did they think was going to be seated first?
The pegboard game is where you’re meant to hop pegs over each other to remove them and only have one left at the end
Me and my siblings used to make slingshots out of those peg games and a rubber band and we’d launch pegs at each other. It’s a wonder we all have both our eyes.
in some chud fantasy/nightmare somewhere:
the Antifa leader bellowed “It’ll be like shooting crakkkas in a Cracker Barrel!” and the antifa soldiers all laughed heartily at the thought of killing innocent patriotic white Americans