Death to Amerikkka
Every time I poke my head out of my I continue to be surprised and horrified at the level of abuse people are forced to endure just to use a computer.
Like damn, y’all live like this?
It’s the same with browsers. For now I’m sharing a desk at work with someone who refuses to let me install ublock origin. How the fuck do people put up with half (or more) of the browser window being autoplay ads?
Quick hit them up with the FBI recommends ad blocker since they sound like such a fucking tool.
Everytime I have to use the internet without ublock I’m just like “Why is the internet suddenly so annoying??!?!?!” it’s so shitty i don’t know how anyone puts up with it.
can you
make a new profile
run a different browser
install it without telling them (hide the icon)
Sounds like you’re sharing a login too, otherwise your browser profile wouldnt affect them…
Once upon a time if you pressed F1 on the desktop a full manual showed up that started with “how to use a mouse” and ended with registry hacks. It was contextual so if you were in the calculator it showed information about the calculator.
Today if you press F1 it opens Microsoft™ Edge™ with a Microsoft™ Bing™ search for how to get help with windows
. The results include some shitty youtube videos that somebody uploaded with that exact phrase.
I use Linux Mint on my laptop but I also use my wife’s laptop with the latest version of Windows some. The contrast is stark. Mint just works - simple, intuitive, no fuss. Windows is just so bloated, it’s amazing. I’m old enough to remember using Windows 95 and on. It wasn’t always this way with them, but I don’t know how people can stand using it nowadays.
I switched to Linux exactly 10 years ago, last windows SO I used was Win7, coudln’t really complain about it back then for the uses I had.
But trying to use it now is a nightmarish foreign land, for example:
It had a stupid text thingy bottom left showing latest currency rates “0.2% up USD to MXN”.
Searching for an installed program also showed a
googleBing! search of the said word -
Nobody has been able to set the clock properly. If you set it to Argentina timezone, it shows 3 hours more, if you set it to the hour that should be, sometimes works, but next time you boot it it might be 3 hours in the future or three hours in the past, or overriden the setting option.
For search, you may need to select the correct program for 1st time for it to remember, the next time you search it should be the first/best result. May need to disable cloud search from search setting (from “…” icon when searching).
Currency rate can hidden (Taskbar setting -> Toggle Widgets to Off).
Timezone will be wrong if you dual boot with Linux, it’s best to make Windows use UTC time.
Under capitalism nothing is sacred
I had to see if this was true, and I guess this has been going on for quite a while since the first result was a post from six years ago…
There is the permanent banner ads and also the unskipable 45 seconds full screen ads from time to time. The counter stops ticking if you switch to another window. But it works if you dual window.