Törni got what he fucking deserved and is hopefully being slowly roasted in hell :inshallah:
Just looked him up. There’s an official memorial for him at Fort Carson in Colorado. God damn Amerikkka
He’s also buried in Arlington, even Wikipedia notes he is the only member of the Waffen SS interred there.
“He was a complex yet driven man who valorously fought oppression under three flags and didn’t acknowledge the meaning of quit,” said Col. Sean P. Swindell, the 10th Special Forces Group commander. “He earned the Finnish equivalent of the Medal of Honor and fought against the Russians in World War II under both Finland and Germany. After the war, he came to the United States where he joined the U.S. Special Forces as a Lodge Act Soldier.”
WHEW LAD that is quite the fucking description of this clown.
Imagine being that wrong about literally everything your entire life.
This man is the patron Saint of L’s.
literally addicted to getting owned