it’s completely unpronounceable and also if you clicked someone’s pronouns when replying to them it would automatically add the tiny little picture for you
Who’s stopping you?
Hexbear and the fact that I can’t custom upload a very small png as my pronouns
I envision too many attack helicopter.pngs so unless those were automod banned for the additional lulz this bit would turn into /onejoke
As a certified idiot I’m kind of embarrassed to ask this, but what is the subtlety I’m missing that differentiates this bit from the one joke?
As a cis im not really qualified to make a statement of meaning, but since you ask, i think that custom pronouns could be cute/fun/meaningful for enbies or anyone to express their sex in a thousand words rather than 2. However my comment was (perhaps) in agreement with you, saying in essence it would be used too often by trolls or general baddies.
TBH I’ve always wondered if there could be an effective bit centered around reclaiming attack helicopter. (Will delete/not argue with mod removal if this is in poor taste.)
me, an idiot: “pronouns are single short words that draw on context”
you: “you are like a little baby, watch this”