Well shit, there’s a followup edit on this post from the Maestro himself where among other things he tags Ben Shapiro on the woman’s crotch and I wish I could come up with that myself but no this is really what he did.
As for what inspired the piece, the artist writes:
This illustration was made in 2001, a few days after the terrible tragedy. Again, I drew a woman, as a symbol of the Western lifestyle against which that attack was aimed, by extremists who deny women all rights, including the right to dress as they want.
If he wanted to be mournful maybe he shouldn’t have drawn something so immediately, viscerally hilarious.
Is anyone else not a fan of this artistic style for faces? The lips are drawn with full detail, but the eyes are a bit small and far apart, and the nose is … an empty sucking void in the middle of the face with a couple tiny nostrils attached. Looks like an alien to me. The rest of the body is that of an overly idealized model, but at least it looks human, why is the face so fucked up?
Where are we? What is this apollonian plastic world of light and airlessness? And her! That enigmatic expression, is she real or illusion, companion or tormentor? And why is her face like that?
The answer to all of these questions is plane.
delicate infidel about to be penetrated by hard muslim cock