My main shooting buddies will absolutely not shut up about how “impractical” of a deer rifle my 20 inch AR-10 (308) with 5-30x scope is.
If I had a desire to kill a deer with it, that deer would DIE. But, uh, not exactly the point.
(Edit to elaborate/clarify: I don’t have any particular desire to hunt, so I am annoyed that my friends insist on discussing the suitability of my long distance precision target rifle for hunting. That said, if I indeed did desire to hunt with it, it would be more than adequate for the task)
I feel like a Fudd sometimes because I have absolutely no desire to own anything other than my WW2-ass guns, but if someone told me about their AR i would say “sounds cool wanna swap guns for a couple mags?”
I’d imagine 308 out of a 20" barrel is gonna be comparable whether it’s a bolty or an AR, no?
I know people who hunt deer with AR-15 in 223. Can’t speak to if it’s humane or effective but they get deer every year.
Simply get an AR-10 in 30-06, that’ll shut them up
How do you like the AR-10 and how much did it cost you? I’m debating between getting a short AR-15 as well as a long AR-10 or bolty, or just getting a mid-length AR-15, maybe 16".
FWIW discussing hunting in /c/guns is fine but I appreciate you putting a CW out of consideration for comrades who disagree with it. We’ll consider putting that in the rules to align with the broader site guidelines