China is sticking to its ‘zero Covid’ policy.
Xi Jinping doubled down on the idea that the measures have saved lives and vowed to continue the stringent set of policies.
New York Times, October 16, 2022
there’s a bit about the Vietnam War where some US general was questioned about whether the bombing of civilians would cause them to turn against the Americans, and basically answered “well, these orientals have different ideas about death, so they won’t really care”
turns out, it was projection all along (as usual), and it’s Westerners who are the ones willing to just callously let a bunch of their population die and pretend everything’s fine
that quote is completely insane. libs really take the nyt seriously even though they’re putting out drivel like this lmao
Death to America
the idea that the measures have saved lives
The idea
I’m going to fucking [REDACTED]
Again and again I’ll say it - In 10 years America is going to be massively burdened with people of all ages with severe Covid-related disability. There will be entire generations of young people unfit for military service because their cardiovascular system is so fucked up by Covid.
Meanwhile, the average Chinese person who never had Covid will be like a fucking super-soldier compared to people anywhere else in the world.
The failure to contain Covid was a huge national security failure that will haunt the US for decades.
I love living in a society where I am always one of the few people actually wearing a mask in public indoor spaces, which is the most common sense thing to do during the rapid spread of a debilitating, deadly virus, yet I am constantly questioning my own sanity since most everyone else no longer gives a fuck about taking any precautions.
The widespread apathy to COVID and its millions of victims is killing me and making me depressed like nothing else ever has. :doomjak: As well as the ignorance/hubris in assuming that just because you’re healthy now means you always will be, even after repeated COVID infections.
I’m confused and don’t understand how this imprinting phenomenon would be a problem exclusive to the COVID vaccines. Aren’t the newest variants vastly evolved from the original variants most people would have originally gotten exposed to if they didn’t receive a vaccine first? Or does it have to do with vaccines not containing the live virus?
And I’m also struggling to weigh that against how unvaccinated people have historically had much worse health outcomes to date than those vaccinated.
Even if it was just the flu! We could wipe the flu out in a few years if we all just masked up during flue season.
Very cool that a Jimmy Dore-brained guy I know will definitely claim this is because of the vaccines :agony-minion:
I’m being completely dead serious. Not an anti-vaxxer.
Do we know the increase is not related to vaccines?
Doesn’t look like there’s an increase in China so I would say unrelated to vaccines
I don’t think so. This is why drawing the conclusion that it was because of the vaccines is ridiculous.
“Hmm, what does ‘29.9% over what was predicted’ actually mean? Maybe the comments will clear that up…”
-Sees the majority of the number of comments are blaming lockdowns and vaccines :shinji-screm:
and even worse when the linked article more or less directly debunks their claim (they say since the data applies to the second year and that’s also when the vaccine came out, so B caused A)
U.S. deaths attributed to heart attacks, or acute myocardial infarctions as they are medically known, shot up 14% to 164,096 in the first year of the pandemic, April 1, 2020, to Mar 31, 2021.
Individuals who were vaccinated were 200 times less likely to have a stroke after having the respiratory disease. Those who had severe cases of COVID-19 were at a much greater risk of experiencing inflammation, blood clots and heart disease