The Red Scare didn’t start with McCarthy, it started in the 1800s. It started then, and it’s never stopped.
Is this China in the room with you right now?
fetterman is pro Israel and anti China. he sucks, end of story
Death to America
At this point there’s two Chinas: the real one and the Atlantean levels of boogeyman China that the West talks about
Two Jews meet on the U-Bahn in the 1930s. One is reading a copy of Der Strumer, a Nazi propaganda paper.
His friend turns to him in shock and says “Herschel! How could you read that garbage?!”
Herschel lowers the paper an inch and says “When I look around life is grim and miserable for our people. But in here? Oy! We run the banks! We make all the movies! We’re on the verge of overthrowing the government! What’s not to like?”
Meh. This is jingoistic and nativist, but its a far cry from bloodthirsty. If the worst thing a Democratic politician advocates is Juche, I’m fine with that.
Frustrating that you can still pander to base voters by telling people “China Bad!” over and over again. But that’s the landscape he’s campaigning in.