“A measure of abnormal long put volume was also examined and seen to be at abnormally high levels in the days leading up to the attacks. Consequently, the paper concludes that there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks”.[67] —Allen M. Poteshman, The Journal of Business
If there was insider trading my bet is a saudi in the know saw an opportunity to make a quick buck and took it. Maybe their broker maybe saw some weird trades called in directly by a very powerful client and decided to try and roll with it. I’d be shocked if the “financial sector” as a whole had any sort of idea what was going to happen given how many hedge fund managers died in the attack.
Yeah it only takes a small number of investors acting weirdly to trigger an abnormal reaction by others. So it could be a coincidence or it could be one or two Saudis knew what was up. Osama had a big family connected with big Saudi businesses.
There’s no chance a large number of investors knew about the attacks. It would get out.
tfw you just happen to forget the concept of kinetic energy while crafting your grand conspiracy of how jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.
Or that steel doesnt have to melt to lose its strength, and most buildings are built just strong enough to stayup. My response for “SQUIBS!/CONTROLLED DEMOLITION! THE COLUMNS LOOK LIKE THEY SHATTER!!” Is this. Find a hammer, now find a small rock or pebble, now hit it with the hammer really fucking hard. Looks like it exploded right? Now imagine the hammer is the top few floors of the building and the suppot columns for the building are your pebble. Its gonna look like the columns just explode,(they did) which then means there are no longer columns suppoting it and it just falls from there.
I also mention that it’s really not that hard to believe that a building made in 70s New York (y’know, with all the mafia in the construction industry and rampant corruption) might not have been 100% up to code
The owner, Larry Silverstein, is literally on tape saying they told the guys to “pull” building 7.
“pull” is also a very common slang in demolitions for destroying a building.
It could be an op since he just blatantly said it on TV, but I really don’t see how else building 7 could have fallen. Buildings don’t fall like that after getting hit asymmetrically with debris.
Yeah, I dont buy many what I call “day of” conspiracies for anything that happened in NYC. I dont believe that their were controlled demolitions or holograms for example.
But its pretty clear the anthrax attack was planned ahead of time and carried out by the IC in the aftermath of 9/11. Its pretty clear that our allies warned us and we knew, and its pretty clear saudi arabia and Israel had advanced foreknowledge.
I am very sympathetic to theories surrounding what happened at the pentagon. Between the supposed missing frames of the available security footage, the abnormal flight path paired with the pilots notoriously bad skill, there is a lot of eye brow raising facts there. Hell, Rumsfeld insisting on staying in the pentagon to do a briefing after his staff told him they needed to go to the white house because they already knew a plane had hit the first tower by his 9AM meeting and then rushing out to help people on camera is enough for me to raise an eye brow at what happened with the pentagon.
And obviously that flight that crashed in PA was shot out of the sky by us. Probably because Bush and Cheney couldn’t have imagined a more terrifying spectacle and quit while they were ahead. Amd as Brace Belden suggests, it would have been weird for them to not do something after all the preceeding attacks.
Check out TrueAnon. Theyre doing a miniseries this week on 9/11. Great shit.
To me Jesse Venture is how I imagine the spongebob sarcasm font.
I dOn’T kNoW who kILLeD kEnnEdY. Do YoU kNoW? IIIII cOuLdN’t mAkE tHaT shOt.
I won’t die on any single hill. So I oscillate a lot back and forth in believing any of this stuff. But to me at least it is weird how much spread there was to the plane parts. And there are witnesses claiming they saw a passenger jet tailed by several F16s, and even reports of an all white fighter jet in the area.
But I really dont know what happened. But the official reports are obviously not rooted in truth or a good faith attempt to discover what happened.
Well, a plane hitting the ground at high speed while having mostly full fuel on board can cause a 2 or some mile wide radius of debris
I definitely think that the outlandish conspiracy theories (jet fuel / steel beams) were pushed to remove credibility and shift focus from the very legit ones with strong supporting evidence
The jet fuel can’t melt steel beams stuff is bullshit to me, but that one passage from the PNAC’s (run by Bill Kristol of Lincoln Project fame) paper, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” always comes to mind whenever I think of 9/11:
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
The entire paper is mask off, so this type of line isn’t even subtle. The paper makes a case about toppling Iraq, Iran, and Syria. You could make the case that the passage doesn’t point to any conspiracy, since it seems logical enough that the US would need a casus belli, but damn if it isn’t a bit too on the nose. Sure as shit, a few years later, the neocons were gifted 9/11.
As an interesting aside, one of the principle authors for that paper is a transwoman that now works at AEI, lol.