I didn’t watch the episode because their 9/11 episodes led me not to trust them on conspiracy stuff. It looks like I made the right call. Did they really buy the Warren Commission? Lol. Lmao.
when the warren report was released to the public, kwame nkrumah opened it, pointed to allen dulles’ name on the first page, handed it back, and simply said “whitewash”
I didn’t bother with that bonus episode, I knew it was going to be some liberal BS
Ehh not particularly. Justin was a key component in moving me left, and even if they go 120% lib :wtyp: still has hours upon hours of interesting stuff in their back catalog.
Justin makes good stuff and alice is funny when shes not being too cringe
Its liam that needs to go
WTYP sucks since it became The Liam Brags About Being a Bellend Show. Also they ran out of stuff to talk about. Plus they fell off, +L +ratio
“im such a tough guy because im a white guy from bostonsylvania or whatever”
Fk off dude lol
Imagine your entire personality being “drunk driving is hilarious, I’m a total piece of shit”
White cishet dudes be thinking that being a belligerent alcoholic is a substitute for a personality
I like their urbanism and civil engineering, I don’t like that every episode has a mandatory rant against the Soviet Union from left-anticommunists who platformed a “rEfOrMeD rEaCtIoNaRy”. Liam’s politics are babyshit and his only function is as the Aliexpress version of Stavros.