I’ve said this before elsewhere, but I like bringing it up whenever I get a chance: Curtis LeMay’s (guy in charge of “strategic” bombing) wikipedia page doesn’t once mention the Korean War
Basically no one in the US has any idea what happened in the Korean War
It would come as a surprise, but they also wouldn’t care. Every time I’ve tried to tell a liberal about this, the response has been “Yeah, well, that’s what happens during war.”
I think most wars actually do (or equivalent atrocities), which is one of the many reasons war is bad.
The point isn’t “Americans do bad things in war” ; it’s “why does America keep doing war–with war being basically the worst thing on Earth.”
I think most wars actually do
I beg to differ. War is hell and involves horrible senseless killing s of civilians. However there is a huge difference between attacking military targets with little regards for civilian casualties and targeting civilians directly. Both are evil but the latter is significantly more evil than the former.
friend you knew the answer to this before posting
unless you study history in college (and who the hell can afford that?) and take a class specifically about the topic, we never learn jack shit about Korea. in high school, i had to write a one page report on the Korean War using a source provided by class. it was an encyclopedia on a CD-ROM where there was a simple animation of red dots “invading” the south, blue dots pushing the red dots back to the Yalu River, then more red dots entering from China to push the blue dots back to the parallel. there were dates for these events and that’s what i had to include to get a good grade. this “report” was in lieu of ever learning about Korea in class.
it is absolutely the narrative of "the commies tried to kill everyone in the south, so we magnanimously fought them, with the backing of the UN, all the way back to the north and almost scored a touchdown, but the Chinese swooped in with a whole bunch of guys and cheated and pushed us back to the 50 yard line. so now the peninsula is only half free.
as i got older and entered the Zinn-pilled phase of my redemption arc, i assumed there was probably something darker to it like everything else. i nibbled around the edges when wikipedia became a thing and stumbled on the Bodo League. even going in assuming the worst, blowback season 3 was shocking and revolting.