I don’t often buy clothes because a) they’re expensive and b) very little on the high street catches my interest, but I’ve noticed some cool (and affordable) clothes on Shein over the last few months, particular pink/light purple clothes for guys which can be difficult to find mainstream. Now I need to buy a sweater or two and I’m wondering where to go.
I’d never heard of Shein before, so I decided to look them up. Ah, they’re a Chinese brand, okay, so does that explain the bucketload of hit pieces I found?
I’m finding shit telling me their brand of fast fashion is low quality, terrible for the environment, has questionable supply chains, etc. etc. etc. - now my question is, does anyone know if there’s any validity to this? How do they stack up against western clothing brands, who likely have the same exact issues but charge $40 for a shirt?
Shein as I understand it, is fast fashion and bad for the environment etc. I believe a few of their factories are being shut down by the Chinese authorities because they were having workers work 18 hour days for pennies and really bad working conditions. Of course, this is true for other fast fashion, but it’s true for Shein too
I’d recommend checking vinted. It’s basically an online second hand store and you can often get quality clothing, barely worn for really cheap. Like, I just bought a winter parka for about 30 bucks, that was over 150 new and it’s in great condition still.
Western clothing is fast fashion, usually coming from china. Here you’re just cutting the middle man, but the quality is still bad because it’s FASTER fashion. It’s so cheap because it’s on overdrive with the lowest quality material imaginable
I recommend learning to use TaoBao and searching up reps of the stuff you want cause they tend to be higher quality than generic copycats sold for $5
Alternative, Uniqlo is a decent brand with a good price:quality:fashion ratio.
As a bit of a fashion wonk I’d say shien is def the fastest, dirtiest, cheapest, and lowest quality stuff but esp if you really can’t find the piece in your size/ color anywhere else and it won’t be worn out too heavily then its def an option. Don’t feel too bad cause it’s on par with other fast fashion but obv don’t start ordering 10 pieces a week from them ya know.
My tip would be to reverse image search the clothes you like on Google and if you don’t get any hits make a good search description of the peice and go to depop, grailed, then your local thrift store! More time consuming but vintage is usually higher quality, same price, and keeps the planet one shirt healthier.
From what my wife has bought, it’s basically cutting out the American fast fashion middle man. Especially with craft supplies, ie beads. Michaels will charge you 5-10x for less of the same thing.
Only warning is I’ve heard some stuff has some lead contamination which is no bueno. Quality wise its not too far off from h&m for the ladies clothes I’ve seen. H&M mens stuff is a bit better, not counting jeans.