small wars journal
small dick, small soul, Papa Johns
Author’s note: there are of course differences between Sparta/Athens and Ukraine/Russia comparison. Ukraine is a democracy and Sparta was ruled by two kings. Athens was a democracy and Russia has become a totalitarian regime. And no, there were no Nazis in Sparta for the Russian strategic communications team.
(Narrator) “Sparta’s political economy was in fact defined by their invention of a system of nazi eugenics which was designed to create the exact same hierarchy which this satanic PMC fascist is soyfacing over”
Sparta was a warrior nation, every man served, and the entire nation was on a wartime footing. Whereas Athens was not. I recalled his words from many years ago as I observed the Ukrainian people, going about their lives, ignoring air raid sirens while sipping coffee at outdoor cafes.
“Wow! Being deadeyed due to 24/7 psychological trauma is fricken epic!!!” :matt:
Every member of the 38-million-person country has been touched by this war directly and deeply. At least 5.5 million refugees, mostly women and children, fled the country ahead of the on-coming Russian horde of rapists, looters and murderers.
the IMF’s coup doesn’t count as rape or looting or murder…what happened with Ukraine’s farmers by the way? Did they suicide like India’s victims of finance imperialism?
In hindsight, the global community should have put these sanctions in place in 2014, or even earlier when Putin’s aggression started in 2008 in Georgia, or in 1999 in Chechnya.
lmao so funny “we should have destroyed the USSR in 1989 while we had the chance” :agony:
The Russian culture is not a warrior culture like Ukraine. In fact, it is a dysfunctional and dying culture with a declining population, high alcoholism, and declining life expectancy.
“high alcoholism” Literally neoliberal praxis which this guy is cheering, consider Britain getting China addicted to opium, or McKinsey’s FBI collaborating role in getting (minorities/teens/etc) addicted to tobacco products and later opiates, again. Why would finance imperialist demons want to keep people controlled like this?..Anyway, they haven’t yet looted Ukraine like the USSR so just wait a few years for the kulaks to hollow it out.
Over the course of eight years the Ukrainian military was deliberately converted from the old Soviet Style “command and control” model to a much more western model which pushes down authority and decision making to the lowest levels. U.S. special forces and NATO soldiers helped lead this transition, creating a learning Army, where soldiers are taught “how to think” not “what to think.”
anarcho-lib synthetic leftists say this exact CIA NPC dialog, but about homeschooling teaching “critical thinking, not indoctrination” like at public schools. Apparently literacy is problematic so we have no choice but to “smash the Stalinist state” as every woke Liz Warren Reagan neoliberal insists.
Militaries often lead their societies through great social changes. The returning Ukrainian soldiers will bring with them western style thinking and help continue to transform Ukrainian society to be part of the West and reject all aspects of the old Soviet Union once and for all.
Western style thinking: soulless NPCs who believe they are human beings despite having no meaning in their life except ‘making individual rational-self-interest choices of consumer product in the free market’
The Spartan soldiers who won this war will return and lead Ukraine to a bright and prosperous future, integrated into the EU and NATO, and the First Army of Peace will have helped degrade and destroy Europe’s #1 threat,
“helped degrade”
woke radlibs: (scoffs) "globalism isn’t real, idiot…(five minutes later) “Biden is racist to ban menthols, actually 40000 black cancer deaths a year is a good start to achieve our internationalist free market utopia. We need small consumer joys, we need free markets, not Stalinist authoritarianism. Google Bookchin McKinsey and help us smash the state to do more neoliberal deregulation to help more workers get addicted to opiates, Black Consumer Freedom Matters!”
Comparing something with Sparta should be considered an insult.
CW: the above series is good, but concludes with a farty-ass comparison of Sparta with … the DPRK
The correct pick for a modern parallel with Sparta is plainly the USA btw, and it kinda works to characterize the countries we violently exploit as our modern helots.
Ukrainian military was deliberately converted from the old Soviet Style “command and control” model to a much more western model which pushes down authority and decision making to the lowest levels. U.S. special forces and NATO soldiers helped lead this transition,
Here’s a cool clip of this model in action
Didn’t Athens beat Sparta more often than not?
“Russian invasion of 2014”
Oooh boy.
Militaries often lead their societies through great social changes. The returning Ukrainian soldiers will bring with them western style thinking and help continue to transform Ukrainian society to be part of the West and reject all aspects of the old Soviet Union once and for all.
Where is the lie tho?