Don’t call me out like this.
<20 member Discord: mute the bot channels, otherwise keep it real.
Anything else: mute that garbage
I am pretty anal about notifications honestly. Always keep my inboxes clean. I also am only in 1 active small server so it’s not too hard to keep up with it.
yeah because everyone uses Discord as a replacement for web sites even though it’s a terrible format for storing and searching information
This is me but it’s because discord is probably one of the worst attention devouring app out there and in general i avoid it like plague, any rooms that aren’t set to where you can send one message per one or five minutes are basically unfollowable if you step away from your phone for ten minutes and completely useless as a forum, bring back MyBB.
I’ve had discord for ages nkw and I still don’t understand what it’s for apart from vc. The channels are fn spamfests and the emotes are paywalled