Literally 7 months ago I used to eat in indoor restaurants and feel fine if some lib unmasked next to me on the train. Now I seeth in rage anytime someone tells me that covid is over or that we need to go back to normal. Maybe it was the 4th late night trip to the emergency room. Maybe it was hearing “I can’t breathe” and “I’m afraid I’m going to die” several times a week for months on end and trying to be the main person of support for the first time in my life. Maybe it was repeatedly reminding workmates that I have a vulnerable person at home and them mostly not being arsed to mask up around me.
My partner was 40 when she got covid this year for the first. She was vaxxed and boostered. She worked out. She had zero health issues.
Really, I just want people to stop pretending that covid is nothing or that we can get past it. I get that realising our own mortality is terrifying and that people naturally want to react against it. I don’t want anyone to be stressed or paranoid. I just want to push back against any lib complacency that we can live with covid like most Westerners are doing.
I hate it too. I really do.
Maybe it was repeatedly reminding workmates that I have a vulnerable person at home and them mostly not being arsed to mask up around me.
I think it’s this attitude from people that upsets me the most. Why can’t they just do the bare minimum to save lives? Why is it so hard for them to be human?
The number of people on this site who don’t get that zero-covid is class struggle, is too damn high.
Eh my comments were “fuck off” repeatedly to someone who was doing the “covid is here to stay so give up” sort of spiel, I don’t know that it was helpful haha. It’s just the only thing I can feel towards people who want to give up the fight for our comrades in regards to covid.
The brandon administration convinced everyone it was safe enough, and since mitigations are a hassle not many people thought twice about it and went back to normal. The covid wave peaks are getting shorter, but the baseline covid rate is steadily increasing in between. I don’t think anyone realizes how devastating endemicity will be. Humanity has survived worse, but that’s not exactly comforting.
The covid wave peaks are getting shorter, but the baseline covid rate is steadily increasing in between.
Are you looking at cases or wastewater? Looking at county by county wastewater when available, paints a pretty dark picture. Orange County, FL this summer had a peak that was almost 3 times the peak of the same time last year. I’m kinda on the fence as far as how to predict this shit anymore. We’ll know more this march, but I think we need to start looking at it as 2 different covid seasons where the summer season is a long wave starting in april and a mild lulling mid-september but creates a shitload of immunocompromised peoples that the winter cases kill off with a massive spike. It’s hard to tell with all the data fudging and restriction undoings continually making things worse. But it kinda looks like March may be the only significant lull period where it might be kinda “safe” for a couple weeks. But at this point who knows, our new low lull might be as high as the peak of freaking delta.
Love living in a fucking petri dish! :this-is-fine:
Shit. Yeah. There are so many variants now it’s impossible to predict. Flatting the covid wave near the top is a bad thing.
Yeah, fucking madness. Really hoping I’m wrong about this winter, but I think it’s gonna be really fucking bad. Wastewater levels across the US should start significantly rising in the next two weeks in response to Thanksgiving. On top of rsv and the flu straining hospitals… :deeper-sadness:
But at this point who knows
Lol right, like such a massive part of the nightmare is just the fully intentional lack of data surrounding the virus, and how opaque theyve been about how bad the spread/hospitalizations/deaths are, have been, or are getting… i get that they made that choice because they fully know theyre just casually committnig genocide via passive biological warfare… i guess what really astounds me is the publics reaction (or lack of one) to all this shit
i guess what really astounds me is the publics reaction (or lack of one) to all this shit
Manufacturing Consent works, and really when it comes down to it, it’s just another aspect of Capitalism that’s killing us. And if they’re not willing to face that…
Case in point, telling us it’s about personal responsibility and then removing all options and information that allows us to save ourselves. :who-did-this: that’s Capitalist standard operating procedure right there.