This piece of shit site is a snitch site to enable fascists to harass drag queens, any children attending these events GNC people in general, and any parents who would dare attend an event which encourage their child to read.
It needs spam. And it needs it now.
If you really want to sabotage their operations you’d want to report plausible-looking reports of nonexistent events at real venues. Having to wade through obvious garbage is one thing, but having to distinguish what is real and what is fake is another matter.
If you were to REALLY go the extra mile, you’d want a botnet sending out fake reports with some duplication. Having 3-5 different reports of a fake event would make it look far more credible, and having it all come from different IPs would make it harder to filter. But I doubt anyone here has access to that.
Another viable method that doesn’t require that would be to share details of a fake event on social media and call for people to report the event there. This will provide the most authentic-looking data possible, generated by real transphobes. They will have to waste time independently verifying every single event to find out which ones are real, and in sufficient volume they will be completely overwhelmed by it.
This is not entirely infeasible, depending on how the site tracks your ip you should simply be able to serve it false information by crafting the packet since presumably the form for submitting events uses http post
It depends on whether or not they log IPs with the form submissions. If they’re competent they would, but the Epik leak seemed to show that generally, right wingers are not. If they do log IPs they will easily discard everything you sent when they notice thousands of fake submissions from one IP, but if not you could move on to automating a process for sending several of each of multiple fake events.
Ah, but even if they log the ip where are they getting that information from? IIRC theres a header that has the sender’s ip address which you can just fill with guff, good luck on getting a response back but methinks that might not be nessecary. I’m just spitballing tbh
Lol website is already broken for me
Access denied Error code 1020
You cannot access Refresh the page or contact the site owner to request access.
Commenting for activity (I have no tech skills). But :rat-salute: to our brave posters.
As fun as this would be, I’m not spending 20 years in the joint just to troll these assholes who will just make a new site
Also, this shit was a crude and naive approach back in 2008. The fact that it worked on Visa and Mastercard was extremely embarrasing. The entire internet would be on fire if this shit still worked. There’s a reason these trolls are using services like cloudfare.
If you are going to do a brute force attack, it actually has to be BRUTE force. Sending a bunch of packets from a residential cable internet connection isn’t going to do it. You need a good portion of a datacenter plugged directly into the backbone to do it.
If you want to fuck something up from an extremely slow (relatively) connection, you need to find a way to make the service do a thousand times more work per request than your machine is doing. For something as simple as a text submission form, there may not be much to exploit.
If you proxy your connection you can spend 0 years. Unless the CIA or Feds come after you
i wrote a spam script for a site a while back, but iirc they weren’t behind Cloudflare and they eventually put a CAPTCHA in