Man we lucked out with the potato. It genuinely sounds bio-engineered. Here’s this hardy plant that grows nigh anywhere, keeps forever and covers like most of your nutritional needs. Also it tastes pretty good.
The potato, and everything else we eat that isn’t wild game, is bio-engineered. Have you ever seen a wild cucumber? They’re like a cm long.
well yeah but I meant in the modern laboratory sense and not in the historic agriculture sense
The modern, laboratory sense is just a more efficient way of doing exactly what farmers were doing 5,000 years ago. Like all technology, genetic modification isn’t inherently good or evil, it’s how the people who control the technology use it that matters. Monsanto et al are bad because they’re controlled by capital.
It’s funny given the resistance it first had in Europe. It’s part of the nightshade family and was largely used as animal feed until the 18th century when it was popularized in large part due to a Frenchman named Parmentier. One story claims he hired guards for his potato fields to create the impression of value, but dismissed then at dusk so peasants could steal them and get hooked on the starchy goodness
Potatoes are genuinely the greatest vegetable known to mankind.
bro my diet is already 95% potatoes president xi I’m ready to emigrate
Cultural appropriation :ira: