lmao this is the guy that they felt couldn’t be allowed near the presidency at all costs. It’s like the ultimate indictment of our diseased system that this absolute spineless wet noodle of a politician, who refuses to do more than meekly ask the machine to maybe be just a tiny bit less murderous and then backs down the instant he gets any push back, was who the ruling class considered so extreme and intolerable to their interests that they needed to pull out every stop to deny him power
So is this good, did he actually extract a concession? Or is this just more of him being totally impotent…
He backed down because the Biden Admin was whipping against it and clearly has the party behind them. It is as usual Not The Right Time to take action on this.
Sounds like an agreement behind closed doors. So Bernie is basically just taking their word for it. Biden has never gone back on a promise before!
Succs love to do this. Give up leverage now for a promise of something later. Don’t give up the leverage until you have secured the bag! Actually, don’t give it up then either, just heighten the contradictions and push for more if you have some power to back it up.
Problem is succs don’t have the power. They have no genuine organized movement or labor power behind them. So they can’t do anything other than posture with statements and parliamentary tricks.
it sounds like they convinced him to back off when he had a slam dunk so…
well wouldn’t it make more sense to force biden to at least veto it then?
Common Bernie L
Weak radlib clown
goddammit bernie