For those who have decided to take on a resolution for this year, what is it?
For me I kinda have two, one very simple and concrete and one a little more abstract. I’ve decided to make it to at least half of my local orgs meetings this year. Due to moving and work stuff I kinda had a reason to not be as active in 2022, but only going to about 4% of the meetings was just me being lazy and I wanna bump it up to at least 50%. The abstract one is “get things in order” and is essentially just working on building habits and sorting out my health and financials, no concrete goal for this other than actually doing something to keep myself on track, and I’ve kinda already made progress on it by planning ahead and booking a doctor’s appointment for this week!
What are yall’s resolutions? If you don’t put any stock into them a struggle session friendly discussion is welcome
I’m gonna try to quit drinking (again) third times a charm right?
I actually did quit for almost a week and it wasn’t that bad, I was gonna spend Christmas and New Years with my cousins though so I figured I would put it off till afterward because I knew I was gonna end up breaking on Christmas for sure.
Mostly tbh it’s just to save money.
What are you using to quit? I used SMART Recovery and it nearly saved my life.
Sheer force of will is the plan lol
Also the hangover I am nursing right now is good motivation
CW: Meat
Get really good at grilling. Like to the point people wont even consider having anyone but me near a grill ever again
I know I thought of one earlier but now I’m too drunk to remember
Keep my BMI above 18.5 the whole year. Disordered eating sucks. But I think I can do it.