I hate how fucking loud cars are, even when they’re being as quiet as they possibly can be. Just the sound of them passing through space and their tires on the road is so fucking loud.
I’m currently sitting in my hammock, at the back of my apartment complex, probably 300yd from the road, behind three 2-story buildings. The road noise is constant and loud. No honking or anything, just tires on pavement at 50mph.
If the personal automobile had never been invented the apartment I live in would be half as far from my work as it currently is and my road would have a lovely quiet street-car running along it instead of stupidly loud rubber tired cars.
I’d be able to walk to work in 20-30 minutes or bike/trolley there in less. And what would I lose? A lot of noise pollution and a machine I have to pay a couple hundred dollars a month to maintain.
Death to cars
Death to America
This is one of the things i DO love about living in Alaska, there’s absolutely zero car noise for me (ironic because I have to drive everywhere to do anything)
I used to live next to a hilly section of I-70 where the semi trucks would use their jake brakes and it made it really hard to sleep with the windows open during the summer.
I like that my car makes cool vroom vroom noises but honestly I’d rather commute via train so I can read a book or post on hexbear while someone else drives.
sorry OP but you have a hammock inside your apartment?
Super love being 5+km from the nearest road, surrounded by trees, not a piece of human infrastructure in sight, and hearing a road train rumble up through the valley.