From the link to the CDC:
- A large study of updated (bivalent) vaccines (from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services database revealed no increased risk of ischemic stroke
- A preliminary study using the Veterans Affairs database did not indicate an increased risk of ischemic stroke following an updated (bivalent) vaccine
- The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) managed by CDC and FDA has not seen an increase in reporting of ischemic strokes following the updated (bivalent) vaccine
- Pfizer-BioNTech’s global safety database has not indicated a signal for ischemic stroke with the updated (bivalent) vaccine
- Other countries have not observed an increased risk for ischemic stroke with updated (bivalent) vaccines
Although the totality of the data currently suggests that it is very unlikely that the signal in VSD represents a true clinical risk, we believe it is important to share this information with the public
I’m gonna agree with @Frank and say that this headline isn’t responsible.
Guess I’ll stroke :shrug-outta-hecks:
I’d still sit down and let them vaccinate me for three hours like a tattoo appointment. The cardiovascular damage from COVID also carries a stroke/PE/MI risk in addition to every other way it damages the tissues receiving blood through increasingly smaller vessels and the Russian roulette odds of long COVID. Big nope.
Can we just get an open source free vaccine ffs instead of being beholden to shadowy big pharma groups like Pfizer.
Moderna said that they would not take legal action against anybody that copied their recipe, and then refused to elaborate on the actual process to make it :shocked-pikachu: Thanks for that
How many got strokes during that 3 week span that didn’t get the vaccine?
Some quick maths tells me that 40000 Americans would normally have a stroke in that period. This won’t become a stroke epidemic. A 0.024% risk of stroke in the vaccinated elderly population sounds like better odds than catching covid unvaccinated