Lmao, good article, featuring more black suns than you knew possible
Seriously, one of the companies that sells shit in Ukraine is “R3ICH”.
:jesus-christ: its sold out too
Imagine seeing modern Totenkopfs and going “Yes, give them more guns”
Aren’t you glad your tax money to the tune of billions that could end homeless and feed hungry people are going to out and proud neo-nazis in Ukraine?
I wake up. There’s another reason to be ashamed of America.
I don’t like being dabbed on by nazis tbh.
“Have you looked at our caps recently?”
“Our caps?”
“Yeah, the badges on our caps, have you looked at them?”
“What? No, a bit…?”
“They have got skulls on them. Have you noticed that our caps have actually got little pictures of skulls on them?”
" I don’t uh…"
" Hans… are we the baddies?"
“Whereas the Russians…”
“Oh, you haven’t been listening to Russian propaganda? Of course they’re going to say we are the bad guys!”
“But they didn’t get to design our uniforms!”