In gommulist North Vuvuzela, the
If you’re not vegan, this is on you too. Turns out non-human animal exploitation requires human animal exploitation, who would have thought
Cell phone: required to get a job in first world countries, which is required to get food, which is required to survive
Eating animals: expensive, actively harms you
Conclusion: yeah these are definitely comparable
The massive amount of dangerous work, environmental destruction and depletion of ressources necessary to produce murdered animal corpses is an order of magnitude higher than to produce beans.
If you’re not vegan, this is on you too.
Something something ethical consumption under capitalism.
By all means, be vegan. But all the asparagus water in the world won’t wash clean the sins of the American agriculture industry.
Just stop making excuses.
You need to be able to prescribe a solution that’s bigger than “Just stop making consumer choices!” Otherwise, its no different than screaming at people to properly sort their recycleables.
at least you won’t sound pretentious with the whole “i have nothing to do with these children, its capitalism’s fault!”
There’s a difference between acknowledging a problem and LARPing a solution. Again, by all means, if vegan lifestyle works for you then you’re a better person for doing it. But you’re still participating in the society. Those grocery dollars are ultimately going to the same agricultural firms and propping up the same institutions as everyone else’s.
This isn’t an excuse, its a function of a consolidated market.
And while I try like hell to shop local and avoid Big Ag wherever I can, I still recognize that I’m just a drop in the bucket. My actions are an attempt to be ethical with very limited input and even less information.
I’ll do what I can to subvert it. But I sure as hell am not going to feel personally guilty because of centuries of institutionalized labor abuse.
I can’t imagine what that does to a child’s psyche. Like this is how you propagate serial killers right.
Like this is how you propagate serial killers right.
working in a slaughterhouse has been shown to increase likelihood of mental illness and violence, so maybe
the mechanism of outsourcing/contracting/subcontracting is invariably framed as a business strategy to “cut costs”, but i stg it seems like 90% of that “cost cutting” is in the form of obscuring liability for heinous shit.
JBS is the largest meat packer on the planet. they are the parent of every every brand you have ever heard of, their C-level is full of “former” government officials throughout the americas and they pay heavy to play everywhere they want.
the fact that their corporate logo was shown in b-roll on a flag for less than 2 seconds on this story made me raise my eyebrows, because you almost never hear their name in the mouth of someone on TV. there is no chance they receive even a light hand-slapping over this, despite them having the most power, culpability, and benefit from this practice.
Were these the guys that sued Oprah for saying she didn’t like hamburgers?
Why does bad stuff have to happen to kids, man? :kitty-cri: