I would usually be sad to see another original RPG go 5e compatible but Neuroshima was infamously poorly designed ruleset, possibly worse than Shadowrun. I probably won’t be running it, but may steal statblocks for my 5e game if I need weird stuff again.
TIL the origin of this comic is transphobic shit
Part of me likes poring over lists of slightly different things with complex interactions, but for the most part I think such rules are a relic back when the design philosophy seemed to be “use these dice” and “the players might do it, there should be a rule and probably a roll”.
Also SR5 having drug effects separate to the drug prices, among many other things. I really want to see a more nerdy SR vidya but that probably won’t happen
Whats wrong with 5e?
Where do you want to start? The player mechanics are way outdated and overcomplicated for what it wants to be, the GM mechanics are functionally nonexistant, the lore is cliched at best and still incredibly bigoted in many areas, the better adventures are just rehashes of 2e and 3.x adventures and still need entire communities dedicated to making them runnable, it’s unbalanced until you get to about level 10 at which point it becomes unplayable, and without pirating it’s incredibly expensive.
Trying to strap every possible setting and mechanic onto a fantasy rule system was one of the issues 3.x ended up with, and 5e hasn’t been designed to solve that.