They’re living rent free with the precious commodities of water droplets and sunlight. The CIA needs to do something.
I’ve also seen a couple articles posted that say that venus could have possibly sustained life a couple billion years ago before some huge climate disaster, so ya know its possible one day that we could all be microbial life in the clouds of our own venus
it’d be a real brainfuck if we discovered evidence under the surface that life like us existed on Venus, a whole planet next to us a memento mori hanging in the sky and we never knew
anyway that’s probably extremely unlikely but very exciting esp. if following through on this confirms life hanging out on Venus
The Quora article seems to be written by an enthusiast who wants to mix his favorite crank ideas in with as little fanfare as possible. Here’s the actual leaked article
This means either this is life, or it’s some sort of physical or chemical process that we do not expect to happen on rocky planets.
We really went through all possible pathways that could produce phosphine on a rocky planet. If this is not life, then our understanding of rocky planets is severely lacking.
That’s pretty big talk, a lot of the paper is speculative by nature but this really could be it.
i mean IF this is real (and i’m going to take random quora posts with a grain of salt) and IF it’s life (which even the quora post that i’m not inclined to believe says is an if) it’s gonna be something unicellular and not the posadist ayy lmaos of your dreams
If it is real, finding even unicellular life on another planet would be the most incredible discovery in the history of mankind. Our little geocentric mindset would be blown completely apart.
Finding life on another planet in our solar system essentialy means the universe must be teeming with life.
Certainly, and it also means that our failure to find communications from intelligent life is that much more disturbing.
Have we existed intelligently for too short a time to find others like us? Is the great filter still ahead of us? Will we ever fuck aliens?
It’s theoretically possible for bacteria to be ejected into space by major impacts, and end up on “nearby” planets like Mars and Venus, so it wouldn’t necessarily mean multiple independent origins, but having at least two planets naturally capable of supporting life would be very significant.
Yeah, it’s almost like Posadists have been right all along. This is what we’ve been telling y’all. We must make proletarian contact. 👽👽👽
Time to establish Posadist-Cetaceanism-Marxist-Leninist-Maoism-Jucheism comrades 🐬🐬🐬☢️☢️☢️👽👽👽