I’m getting tired of those long german words that are just a lot of small words put together, or longermanwordsthatarejustalotofsmallwordsputogetheren
German cookery terms always confuse me. The amount of false-friends or words with no cognates in English; like backen, which means bake, but also fry; braten, which means to roast, or to fry, or to bake as well because why not; kochen, which means to cook, but also to boil; grillen, which means to grill but also to broil; dampfen, to steam, etc. and they don’t even have a verb ‘to microwave’ - you must ‘im Mikrowellenherd erhitzen’
That’s the correct spelling, but did you know we spell correct “korrekt”? Isn’t that krazy? :very-intelligent: