If anyone is actually interested in learning how this works, this is a great blog post, from an author convinced like many that it’s a stupid thing for the rich, until… Well have a read: https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html
Rich people are truly fucking insane.
Anyway they were already dead when they were frozen
I remember conversations about this in 2008-ish maybe. I missed the start of the conversation so I laboured under the idea healthy living people were freezing themselves ala Futurama and not people who had just died or something. Still scammy probably but not as bonkers on the part of any party
As long as Simon Phoenix doesn’t get defrosted I’m good
Reminds me of the Egyptian aristocracy, they would be pissed off if they knew their 4000 yo mummy will end up getting shown at a museum or destroyed by a tomb raider. But what would happen if they managed to revive them today, probably a temporary experiment on a lab, the pharaoh just lived in a closed environment for a couple of months and for most of modern day people it would be just some science news they scrolled by on tiktok